Welcome to Sweet Patootee Arts (a non-profit)



Great news! The National Lottery Heritage Fund are supporting TURNING POINT’s partner-led public engagement activities using our Black heritage stories as catalysts during our exhibitions in Birmingham (May-Dec 2024) and London (Oct 2024 – July 2025).



We are seeking a part-time Project Coordinator, to join the team to coordinate delivery of our exciting heritage programmes in Birmingham and London, inspired by our Black heritage period drama TURNING POINT. To download the job description click here.

We are seeking a part-time Digital Marketer to join the team, to develop and deliver compelling marketing content across social media, website and print. You will drive and grow engagement with the TURNING POINT Project workshops, exhibitions and screenings of the video installation, and our new TURNING POINT web-portal launching later this year. To download the job description click here.

This project is made possible by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.


Click here for details of our video installation, TURNING POINT – 4 short drama stories from Barbados and Jamaica in 1920: starring Suzette Llewellyn, Paterson Joseph, Veronica  Beatrice Lewis, and Ashley D. Gayle.

View the new trailer for TURNING POINT here

We’re over the moon that TURNING POINT’s audiences and stakeholders are loving the heritage folk songs and recorded music that we’ve brought together in its sound design. ‘Pride of place’ goes to our soundtrack’s two original interpretations of “The Barbados Slaves’ Work Song” (c 1780). The image below is the original musical notation of the “Barbados Slaves’ Work Song”.

Click HERE to reveal the link to our short video about them:

TURNING POINT combines performance and storytelling, with archive, visual art, and a 3D soundscape. We are inviting collaborators from all over the UK to use its content as inspiration to create new work for public benefit.

Our Bristol-based Creative Partner, Dr Yvon Guest has created a digital exhibition, “Colourism on the Couch”. Shown below is her image, “A Binary World”. 

To visit “Colourism on the Couch” click here

Huge thanks to the donors who enabled us to meet our Crowdfunder target: vital funds for production of TURNING POINT’s video installation; and partner-led learning, wellbeing, and dementia support activities – during TURNING POINT’s 3-year national (and international) touring exhibition [from November 2022].

A promo-pack is available for potential funders, co-commissioners and venue partners.