TURNING POINT partner-led Black heritage programme in Birmingham, May-Dec 2024…


Huge thanks to our West Midlands network for 2 days of exceptional work and preparations in Birmingham this week, for this year’s TURNING POINT-inspired Black heritage programme; devised and led by local partners across the city.

Shout outs to our star performers this week: Dawn Carr, Melissa Dunkley, Garry Stewart, Anita Shervington, Abigail Kelly, Juliet Thomas, Ella Marshal, Exodus Crooks, Saleem Ayub, Stephen Callow… And their organisations: Legacy West Midlands (at Soho House Visitors Centre), Black History Arts and More, Black Heritage Walks Network, GAP Arts Project, Handsworth Library, Abigail Kelly Soprano, ACE Dance & Music, ThinkTank… 

Big smile to all the people who shared a chat and a joke when we stopped them in the rain to ask them for directions: The award goes to the lovely bloke who marched on ahead up the hill after giving us directions to Handsworth Metro Station; when we got there we found him waiting in the steady drizzle to show us the stairs down to the platform (above and beyond sir)!

Special thanks are due to Sweet Patootee Arts’ own Rebecca Goldstone for being absolutely genius at producing and inspiring outreach and engagement work with partners – the approach that drives our arts and heritage practice. 

This project is made possible by a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund