WW1 E-Learning Resource
09.12.2015The international response to ‘Mutiny’ has inspired our project to create a free-to-access interactive e-learning resource – featuring clips from our Black veterans’ interviews. We believe it can be a marvelous asset to learners and educators of diverse ages, interests and backgrounds.
In 2014 an international team of teachers and heritage education specialists helped us to complete the successful trial of first prototype.
In 2015 we completed the digital conservation of all of our interview tapes.
In 2016 we aim to recruit the trustees to oversee the setting up of a non-profit organisation especially for this project – to continue its fundraising, development and management
If you would like to participate in developing this resource whether individually, or through your school or heritage organisation, get in touch at contact@sweetpatootee.co.uk
Join the conversation on Facebook, @SPatootee on Twitter and Google+